As the years go by your skin and body will age no matter what you do, the key is to preserve it and give it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You can look your best for many years to come, with so many different ways to keep your youth and fight the aging effects you can always look good. Starting at the root is always your best bet for you keep your look as long as you can, that means taking care of your skin inside and out. A few tips to keep your skin from looking its age with environmental damage are simple; you want first to make sure you feed your skin plenty of antioxidants. Berries are an excellent source of antioxidants; you can add them to yogurt or eat them as a snack you can even use skin care products like a toner that has antioxidant. Another part of keeping your youthful look is setting a proper diet. You have to give your body the healthy food it needs to have the vitamins and all its source to function properly.
Healthy eating goes right along with sleeping for the right appropriate amount of time. You have not only to rest to give your body proper time to regenerate and start over again the next day. You do have to get your 'beauty' sleep to make sure you do not have dark circles and give your boy time to rest. You may also want to practice an excellent workout about three days a week to keep you fit and active so your muscles can develop and stay healthy.
Using oils on your skin is an excellent way to keep it up, an oil cleanser can work wonders on your skin. One of the best oil to use is jojoba oil, this oil is close to the natural oil your skin produces so your body will love it. Every week, just once a week mask your entire face with this oil and wrap a warm towel over it for about 15 minutes and then cleanse it. That also comes with making sure you wash your face daily, at lease three times a day to keep off all dirt and oil that may harm it. Remember that cleaning your skin mean you should also protect it against things like makeup you put on. Buying cheap makeup may be good for your purse but not for your face, purchase products that will not damage your face. When you buy products like makeup, you may want to spend the money to get top quality ones. If you use cheap makeup, it may cause damage to your skin and take away the work you have put in to keep it young.