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Herbal Facial Steam

One neat thing you can do for your face is a weekly face steam and don't worry you do not have to have a professional face steaming spa machine to do this. You are welcome to buy a steamer machine to use if your finance provides it. However, if you are like me, a simple and cost efficient are the way to go.

What You Need:

1/2 cup of dried calendula

1/2 cup of dried lavender

1/2 cup of dried rose petals

1/2 cup of dried chamomile

Products can be found at iHerb

Pour about 4 cups of water into a clean pan and boil it, and then poor your boil water over the dried herbs. Strain herbs out from the water, pour your mix herb water in a bowl and use a regular towel to create a tent over your head. Stay in the tent for about 3 to 7 minutes to steam your face. After you get done the follow-up with a cleaner than remember to exfoliate, afterwards you want to follow-up with a toner or even an astringent to make sure your pores are close up.


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