Growing your eyelashes can take time and for most of us, they have a tendency to fall out every month after they become. A large number of products on the market today cater to doing just that, growing your eyelashes, but the side effects are not always pleasant. Eyes can get irritated, itchy, or even worst permanent eye discoloration, so using a store bought eyelash serum may not be favorable. So learn to make you very own DIY eyelash serum that one can save you money because buying one can get pricey. You will have control of what is in your serum to avoid typical side effects after application to your lashes. Your serum will have all natural ingredients to nourish your lashes and moisturize them overnight. You will only need two ingredients, castor oil, and biotin capsules to make you very own. Castor oil contains omega six fatty acids along with vitamin E and lots of proteins to nourish your lashes. The oil comes in a rich, smooth texture that the hair shaft can quickly absorb and lock in all the nutrients it contains.
Castor oil has been used for centuries to prevent hair loss, so it is a preferred oil to apply to any area that you are looking for hair growth. Biotin is part of vitamin B complex; it promotes healthy hair growth. It can help promote healthy skin as well, so adding it around your eyelash can give you that glowing look.
Pure, cold-pressed castor oil Biotin Capsules (or other oil if you are allergic)
Q-Tips Small Clean Container to store product
Instructions: -Apply 1. At night, using a Q-tip start applying to your bottom lashes than the top lashes making, sure it is on the roots and tips for extra moisture. Avoid over-applying the serum because it is oily and will travel down a little and can weigh down the lashes and get in your eyes because it can hold down your lashes. Using a Q-tip is ideal because they are disposable, this helps you avoid bacterial build-up. 2.If you are using a clean mascara wand, make sure to brush gently the mixture onto your lashes at the root to tip. 3.Now seal your container away for future use. 4.Ge to bed and sleep on your side or back to avoid rubbing off the serum on your pillow. 5. In the morning wash off with usual cleanser. The serum is a natural mix so it will take a couple of weeks for most people to see a difference. For best results try applying the serum day and night when you are at home for the day to deeply moisturize your lashes. You will notice longer, healthier lashes in the week to come. Did this serum help you grow your lashes when added to your beauty routine? Tell me in the comments