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Dry Hair and Scalp Hydrating Hair Growth Stimulation Aloe Vera gel Mix

Dry scalp and hair can stop you from retaining length. Hair loses or thinning hair, having excessive fizz, having dry hair, overly oily hair or any other scalp condition can cause your hair to suffer. Some of the most common conditions people face are having dandruff and an itchy scalp. Your hair can get relief just by using two simple products, Aloe Vera gel and rosemary oil. Is an ideal alternative when it comes to commercial hair products to help treat your hair and scalp.

Benefits of Rosemary

Using rosemary oil (where to buy) on your hair and scalp can help bring life back into your hair. Rosemary oil stimulates the cell division and dilates blood vessels. Rosemary oil will contribute to stimulating your hair follicles to help you produce new hair growth. Use this oil to achieve your hair goals while you nourish your scalp.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is an old secret to treating your hair and help it grow long and healthy. Aloe Vera helps to reduce scalp redness along with inflammation that may occur due to scalp issues. Getting your scalp pH balance in order is essential to its health, you want to be between 4 to 7. Your scalp will be able to maintain it healthily longer to give you that strength and luster that your hair requires looking its best. Aloe Vera can penetrate your hair and scalp with no problem to feed it all the nutrients it contains like it anti-fungal properties that stop dandruff. Your scalp will have better relief and not suffer from itching to help maintain a healthy environment to not only grow healthy hair but retain water and moisture.

Make Your Own Mix

Cautions: Please note for your health, Do not use rosemary oil during pregnancy or if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure.


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