Softening the skin is a plus when it comes to looking your best, this is especially important when it comes to your hands. You spend all day using your hands to do all type of task such as cooking, washing dishes, working out with equipment, and much more. Soaking your hands on a weekly basis will not only help relief the stress and keep it young and healthy. A Milk and honey and mix honey help rejuvenate and soften the skin. Soaking Hands will only take a few ingredients together in a bowl and mix to soak your hands in. Giving your hands a milk bath on a weekly basis will keep it soft, healthy, and maintain it youthful look all month long.
What you will need is:
1 tbsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (where to buy)
1/4 cup of Goat Milk
Luck warm water to fill up your bowl
Now all you do is pour your milk and olive oil in you bowl and fill the bowl up a little over halfway with warm water. Set your timer for 15 to 20 minutes, place both hands into your milk bath and let it soak. After your timer goes off rinse hands off with cool water to help close pores and keep hands soft. Now all you do is apply your favorite hand cream all over hands, massage it for about one minute on both hands. If you are using polish make sure your nails are clean of all oils and water to have an even application and lasting polish. Remember to apply your cuticle oils or cream to help soften them up and keep your nails healthy and strong.