Every woman wants to feel good about her body, especially as they age. Having firm skin does wonder for the body, especially in the breast area. Looking for a non-surgical way to get firm, beautiful breast you want to try making your home firming serum. Mix a unique and balanced combination of natural and organic ingredients together. Use oils that cater to your specific need for firming, also take consideration on oils for your skin's age. Enhance your natural beauty with the right products and special care. You have no need for expensive surgeries and buy invasive chemical products to damage your skin. Get great looking breast on your own at home breast firming serum when use on a regular basis.
4 oz Dark glass bottle
2 oz of Coconut Oil
5 drops of Geranium Essential Oil
2 capsules of Vitamin E Oil
8 drops of Sage Essential Oil
8 drops of Fennel Essential Oil
12 drops of Lemon Grass Essential Oil
Mixing your oils: Start by adding 2 oz of the coconut oil into your container. Now add your essential oils one by one until everyone of them are in the bottle. You now want to cut open you vitamin E capsules. Add the capsule content one by one until they are both squeeze into the bottle. Now that you have all your oils in the bottle put on the cap and covers it tightly. You now want to tip the bottle, not shake it about 2 to four time to make sure all the oils are a mix. Now you have your mix complete make sure to store it away from direct sunlight to get the best results. Step 1: Make sure your chest and breast area are washed clean with warm water to help blood circulation going. Slightly pat and dry the chest area, now apply about 5 to 6 drops on your palm and rub your palm for about 10 seconds together to warm up the oil. With your thumb on the outside of your breast and fingers under breast later the serum all over breast using an upward motion. Step 2: Keeping your hand shape move to your right breast. Left hand from the lateral pushing the left to the central. After forcing the primary right hand from the left breast at the same time push the left breast up as far as possible, use both hands to alternate with a power of the left breast, repeat 30 times, now repeat on the left breast, this massage will enhance the effect of your serum.
Step 3: With your hand bending into a cover from slightly part your fingers to cover your breast. Now slightly motion your fingers going from the bottom to upward movement. Remember always to avoid you nipple area because it is sensitive and can easily get irritated. Lightly massage your breast for about 15 to 20 minutes. Step 4: Massage long enough for you sees your breast absorbing the serum until it is all gone. When the serum is completely absorbed into the skin, it works better and improve the skin health. Your skin health improves over time so watch for results. Usage Method: Apply this serum at lease twice a day, morning and evening. Set aside 15 to 20 minutes to massage completely over and to make sure the serum is observed on you breast. Tips: •It is more efficient to use the serum after taking a warm bath. •During the first week of using, massage at least twice a day in the morning and at night. •When your bust becomes firmer, remember to wear bras that fit and massage your bust every day. Expected Results of product: Days 1-2: The Preliminary Stage Your serum mix penetrates into the breast cells; it can enhance the growth of mammary glands and tissues. Days 7-9: The Cell Activation Stage You may see the slight enhancement in your breast. The firming of your breast should appear slightly and continue to show improvements. Days 20-30: The Growth Stage When you are on your one-month threshold, you breast should look firmer than a month ago with noticeable changes. Continue to use the cream daily, twice a day to regain your breast firmness. Over two-month: The Stabling and Moisturizing Stage this is when you take care of all the hard work that you have been working on all this time. Depend on individual your breast improvement may vary. You can now massage your breast about 4 to 6 times a week depending on your needs to keep them firm. Your serum mix usually has a self-life of two months so you can make a new batch every two months. Caution: NOT suggested suitable for pregnant women, please consult your doctor before using this mix