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Green Tea and Aloe Leaf Juice: Natural Facial Hydrating Toner

Toner is not just another product you use in your skin care routine; your face will thank you for using it every day. Just about anyone without a proper skin care routine has rather large pores compare to some hat has and follow a daily routine. A balancing toner can shrink your pores when to use over time. After cleansing of your face apply a small amount of toner to a cotton ball or pad and gently blot and wipe your face completely avoiding the eye areas. This process removes oils and residue left behind, over time your pores will shrink. Now that your skin is clear of excess oils and dirt your pores will not have to stretch. Moisturizing your face can come before you even apply a moisturizer. Depending on the toner you use they may have a humectants ingredients. After your apply toner to your skin, it help binds moisture to the skin and improve other products that you apply. Moisturizing will even help refresh your skin by cleansing your skin a little less. If you notice that your skin gets irritated, red spots, or dry out a bit more when you cleanse it replace a few of those washes with just toning. Try washing your face in the morning and before you go to bed, use your toner in the middle of the day to refresh your face.

Ingrown hairs can be the worst on your face, keep your face beautiful with a little extra help. Some toners can contain glycolic or other alpha hydroxy acid that can help prevent that unwanted ingrown hair from showing up. You have less grooming in those rough areas to take care of and stay looking more radiant longer.

Give your skin it's pH balance back with a natural toner. Your skin is naturally acidic; its pH balance should be reading between five and six. If you are using a regular cleanser, the alkaline nature of the soak may disturb the balance. Your skin will now need to restore the balance that can produce more oils on your face. If you are using a natural cleanser that it helps your skin a little more and causes almost not a problem to your pH balance. Use a toner right after cleansing your face help your skin quickly balance itself out. It adds a layer of protection. Toners can help close pores and tighten cell gaps after cleansing, thus reducing the penetration of impurities and environmental contaminants into the skin. It can even protect and remove chlorines and minerals present in tap water. Other benefits include: Remove dirt and makeup residue, Complement the face cleansing process, leave skin feeling fresh and clean. Remove excess oil from the skin, Refresh tired a tired complexion, take away impurities on the skin, Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Increase blood circulation on the face, Improve skin tone, Reduce oil secretion, Improve the elimination of toxins, Speed up cell turnover. Making you very own toner only take a few ingredients and a little bit of time. All you need are a few essential oils, green tea, aloe leaf juice, and a 4 oz bottle to hold your toner. You can make just enough toner to last from one to two weeks, so your product does not spoil over.

Homemade facial toner:

Ingredients: 1 oz of Organic Green (where to buy) 1 oz of Aloe Leaf Juice (where to buy) 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (where to buy) Two capsules of Vitamin E Oil (where to buy) Two drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (where to buy) 2 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil (where to buy)

A toner should always be applied to a cleansed face. It should be implemented with a cotton pad. Saturate the cotton pad and pat the toner gently over your face and neck area. Apply it to the forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose, or to the whole face. Never rub your skin when using toner, always lightly apply it to your skin with gentle patting or slow swipe all over. Your skin care routine should be applied to your skin all year around. Most individuals take skin care seriously around summer time because the damage and skin care problems are more apparent. If you are taking proper precautions every day it will not take a beating during the harsh winter months and hot summer days. Want to achieve healthy and beautiful natural skin, you just simply have to add a toner to your skin care routine. Your skin needs to breathe so do not pile on makeup to cover acne and other oil problem. Bring a small bottle of toner with you to refresh your face and keep dirt and grime off. If you have oily or acne prone skin, a toner is not only helpful but necessary to help your face retain its pH balance. If your wear heavy makeup or other skin products you may also need a toner to your skin care routine. Toners are great and essential to keeping beautiful face. Add a toner that works for your skin type and benefits all is a problem. This is one skincare product you will never regret adding on your vanity table.


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