Want to help your hair grow faster and longer, apply a hot oil treatment every week to stimulate your follicles. A rejuvenating hot oil treatment is deeply absorbent and restores life back in each and every hair strands. Help protect your hair along with adding strength by protecting your hair from the inside out. Hot oil treatment helps your hair grow faster, they add moisture, softens and shine the hair while adding body to it. Just about every hair type should use a hot oil treatment to help with the damage that goes unnoticed due to lack of care and treatments. Your styling tools can sometimes hurt your hair growing process, causing some damages sometimes unseen. They can add tension to the strands and damage your scalp. Chemical hair products or relaxers can burn the scalp, dry and stress your hair that can prevent new hair growth. A hot oil treatment will help protect from new damages and breakage along with preventing future damages. Benefits Using natural oils for your hair is a bonus. They are made out of natural and organic products that nourish the hair strands. Providing nutrients and vitamins that feed and moisturize your hair follicles and scalp. Always safe to use daily on your hair without the worry of stripping your hair and scalp. Using a leave in oil treatment soothes a dry scalp, strengthens hair, and continuously assists the hair follicles. It Stimulates blood circulation that revives dormant follicles to promote new hair growth. This weekly treatment feeds your hair just what it needs to live.

Natural oils gently block the hair loss DHT hormone that can affect your follicles by providing a lightweight moisturizing barrier. Bald spots and hair loss can be your hair way of telling you that your scalps is under stress and need extra care. Gently soothes your scalp by improving conditioning oil massage to soothe the dryness and itching.
If your hair is dull and looking on the straw side, a oil treatment is can be your solution. It will restore the moisture and elasticity in each and every hair strand while adding resilience and strength. Make your dull and damaged hair more manageable by reconstructing the strands. Natural Carrier Oils: Coconut Oil itself is extracted from the coconut fruit you use in food or eat. When a store in pure form the oil is stable at room temperature. If you purchase refined coconut oil, it stays a clear liquid at room temperature. Always buy the organic oil to receive antioxidants and antibacterial effects for hair and skin care. Coconut oil allows the oil to stay quickly very light on your hair. You receive added protection and prevent damages to the hair to begin with. Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia Chinensis) has been used in traditional folk medicine for hundreds of years. It is an excellent anti-bacterial oil that protects your product, skin, and scalp. It is the closest natural oil that mimics the natural oil that your skin produce. It is non-comedogenic (Tending to produce or aggravate acne) and full of vitamin E. This oil gives your hair a thin film on the hair shaft and scalp to maintain moisture along with preventing build up. It helps with dry and damaged split ends; it's non-greasy. The fact that it is so close to your skin oil it gets quickly absorbed into the skin to give you soft skin and silky hair. **Adding essential oils to your hair mix makes it more potent and improve the nourishing properties.
Grapeseed Oil (Vitis vinifera) is an excellent oil to use; it is light and colorless that comes in cold-press of grape seeds after they have been using to make wine. It dates back in ancient Egyptian 6,000 years ago where it praised its healing powers. It came with moisturizing and regenerative properties and loaded with antioxidants. It is rich in Omega-3&6 fatty acids that are great for conditioning.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been using for thousands of years because it makes all the difference in your hair care. It conditions your hair by adding moisture and preventing dandruff. If you have frizzy hair, it helps moisturize brittle, smooth ends. Extra Virgin Olive Oil allows your hair follicles to stay down to give your hair a more luster look and for it to shine. Now you have hair that moisturizes and easier to manage. Olive oil is a great moisturizer that should be added to your hair products to have gorgeous hair. A weekly treatment with olive oil added will soften your hair and saturate the hair shafts for added moisture. Sesame Seed Oil (Sesamum indicum) has been using for medical purposes for thousands of years. It is naturally antibacterial, antiviral, which also nourishes and feed your dry scalp. It takes care of dandruff along with protecting the skin and hair from harmful chemicals like chlorine or alcohol hair sprays that can damage your hair. Sesame Seed Oil allows your hair to be more manageable and treat any damages and add luster to your hair.
Essential Oils Rosemary: Natural hair restorer has strong sub-regulation for all hair type. Sage: Almighty hair conditioner, against dandruff and hair loss, Nourish hair follicles tissues for regrowth. Ylang Ylang: Protects hair from damages, stimulate the follicles and even help treat split ends, actively penetrate deep into your hair follicles to provide moisture leaving your hair soft. Tea Tree: Induces hair growth, Fights Dandruff, and Lice, moisturizes by nourishing your scalp and your hair. Vitamin E: Stimulates hair growth, Prevents pre-mature graying, and Repairs split ends. Make Your Very Own Hot Oil Hair Growth Treatment: Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, Tea Tree, Sage, Vitamin E capsules. (Where To Buy) Making Your Oil Mix Using an 8 ounce applicator bottle add 4 ounces of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 2 tablespoon of Coconut Oil, 1/2 ounce of Jojoba Oil, 1/2 ounces of Grapeseed Oil, 1/2 ounces of Sesame Seed Oil, 6 drops of Rosemary, 10 drops of Ylang Ylang,10 drops of Tea Tree,14 drops of Sage,4 capsules of Vitamin E. Now that you have all your oils added to your bottle your hot oil treatment is ready for use. Slightly tip your bottle back and forth to make sure all your oils are mixing before using. Make sure to store your hot oil treatment in a dry, cool area away from direct sunlight. Will help preserve the potency of your oil mix. This combination will make you about 7 1/2 ounces of oil to use on your hair, using it once a week should last about a month or two. If you hot oil more often it may only last only a month. Treat your hair to a weekly hair therapy by adding a hot oil treatment to your regimen.