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Perform 4 Strength Training Workout before Running

Training as a runner is not just getting up and going to run; you also need to incorporate strength training. Incorporate light strength training in your workout before or after your run to improve your body. Unless you would like to be left with weak legs and less endurance for your running, it is a good idea to strengthen your whole body. Your body demands that you balance both your workout and diet to achieve it optimal health. You will avoid any muscle injuries as well as get the best workout out of your exercise. Treating your body as a whole is all that matters, even on your rest days, you can help yourself. Get up and workout a higher level of strength training to help your body tone up while you are not running. This helps all your muscles develop right without stunting their developments. Starting a running routine can be extremely beneficial to your body. Use a few strength training tips to make your body stronger.

Side Sit-Up is great for your body; they are easy to perform and useful. Start by lying on your side with both of your legs extended and raised slightly off the floor. Always make sure that your upper torso in contact with the floor is relaxed on the ground. Now you want to place your bottom harm on the floor to the front to have your arm perpendicular to your body. Now put your hand on the upper arm lightly on the back of your head without applying pressure. It is important that you do not pull on your neck or head during the excessive to avoid incorrect posture.

The Sprint Hop is great to get your blood flowing. It is only involve using your body; it will get your body moving. Start by standing in a with your feet slightly apart, but not too far to keep your balance. Bend your knees very slightly to hop up in the hair. Jump as high as you can go without causing damage to your knees and legs. Hop for about one minute then takes a 20-second break. Now jump for 2 minutes and take another 20-second pause. Finally, hop for 3 minutes and you will complete your sets for this workout. Take a few minutes after you have finished catching your breath and calm your body down.

Lunges are the best they pull your muscles in a good way. If you are running, you want to make sure you don't pull a back muscle. Work on some High Lunge are good for your body and help your posture. Start with an erect posture and feet directly under the shoulders. Take one step forward with your left foot in a squat position as far as you can without losing your balance. Take your right foot and stretch it backward keeping your posture straight and balance. Keep your upper body straight, you may incline it forward just a bit when in position. Keep your back muscles tight, but not too close, now reverse the situation by switching your legs to complete the workout. Perform 2 to 3 sets with 10 to 15 reps on each leg for an intense, complete workout. The last part is doing a Low-Back Extension with a twist workout. Start by lying flat on your stomach with each arms laying by your sides. Have your hands extended toward your feet with palm touching the floor. Contract your back muscles to use them to lift and twist your upper body to your right side that is one rep on your right and return to starting position. Now repeat the same movement twisting to your left side to complete one rep on your left. Total about 8 to 10 reps on each side to complete one set and completing 2 to 3 sets altogether. Tips**Make sure that you completely untwist your body after each time you move back to starting position. Try to perform each movement with fluid, rhythmic grace to thoroughly stretch and maintain control of your body.


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