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Properly Pampering Your Skin: Small Steps

Cleansing your skin require a few steps that will not only clear it up but will help keep its beautiful Glow. To start cleansing your skin, achieving a natural glow, only a few key steps are required. First begin with at lease applying a clay or mud mask to your face about once a week. Cleansing will help your skin not build up any dirt for an extended period. You then want to make sure you exfoliate your skin at lease two to three times a week. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to see how your skin reacts and how much it can handle. I exfoliate every day after I use my facial cleanser because my skin is not super sensitive and I use baking soda for my exfoliate, so it has a nice soft rinse with no irritations.

Using a cotton sheet mask before bedtime can be an asset to your skin, it helps seal in a moisture and put good products on your skin right before a good night of sleep. Because it is right before bed time you skin with, have that product to mix with it natural rejuvenation and boost your skin for the next day.

A few other tips to consider are just changing just a few of your habits that you may have or adding a few ones. Did you know that drinking a cup of green tea a day, it may help to cleanse your body and make your skin glow all at once? Eating dairy may cause you to break out sometimes, depend on the months sometimes I breakout and other times I do not. You may want to check how your body personally react to dairy, also going with high sodium foods may not be in your favor. Keeping your skin clear all starts on the inside, you want what is inside to reflect outside. If you are not eating the right nutrition's, filling your body up and clogging up, it may cause you skin irritations that you could have easily avoided.


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