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Want Healthy Long Hair 'Stop Looking for A Magic Product'

With hair growth, I have made some mistakes just because I wanted to grow my hair super fast. I would see all those real girls with their big hair and my goal was to get that length in no time. The true of the matter is everyone hair different, and most importantly hair takes the time to grow. You need to focus on the health of your hair not just how long it is. If you want your hair to grow, overnight chances are you're doing more damage to your hair than you think. There is no magic product to grow your hair two to seven inches in a week or even a month sometimes. I first started with A hair growth pill that work only so much because of how damaged my hair was. I never got the full effect because my hair was not healthy enough to have the growth the pill was providing. I then move on to everyday store-bought products that I notice some of the real ladies using online. I try Garnier Fructis products, VO5 conditioners, Pantene ProV, and so many others. One major mistake I believe I made was never giving my hair enough time to adjust to the new product. If I found something new that was supposed to work better, I ran and got it. I soon realize after a while my hair would grow but it would look awful and it was shedding quite a lot. I now became cautious about what I was putting in my hair, I mean not just the products but the ingredients as well. I started researching each one by itself and the effects it has on my hair.

The best advice I got from one of the YouTube videos I watch was a lady stating that 'If you can't pronounce an ingredient do not put it in your hair.' I have taken that rule to heart in all ways, making sure I knew exactly every element I am putting in my hair. The minute I started doing that I realize how just about every store-bought product was not going to work for my hair care. After reading the ingredients I could not get past the first three, after that, I decided to find all natural products. ​Even those did not make a big difference in my hair to start with. A little help was giving, but because my hair was still unhealthy it was not working as it should. I became so frustrated I will admit that for about two months I would just wash my hair every week and leave it alone. At the end of the two months, I decided not to give up and get back to taking care of my hair. When I went back, I did it differently not only with the products but my regimen. I first figure out what was not going right with my hair, my shedding, how it never hold any moisture, split ends, and no growth. I Decided also to cut off about two to three inches of my hair to give it a good start.

I now make my hair products from natural products that I buy at the grocery store with the carrier and essential oils. I started getting the results that my hair was due to have months ago. Even after I cut off my two inches after about two months, I got my growth back. My take on this is that you should never look for a 'magic product' of any kind.

Even those did not make a big difference in my hair to start with. A little help was giving, but because my hair was still unhealthy it was not working like it should. I became so frustrated I will admit that for about two months I would just wash my hair every week and leave it alone. In the end of the two months I decided to not give up and get back to taking care of my hair. When I went back I did it differently not only with the products but my regimen. I first figure out what was not going right with my hair, my shedding, how it never hold any moisture, split ends, and no growth really. I Decided also to also cut off about two to three inches of my hair to give it a good start.


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