So yes we all have to shampoo our hair to keep the dirt, grime, and clogging oils away that we do not want on our scalp. With that said we have to shampoo our hair pretty much, especially if you are like me and exercise daily. Over the past two years, I have tried to find the best shampoo that does not completely strip my hair. I did not want to fear my shampoo day was going just to kill all the work I put into my hair. My best result was when I made my natural shampoo at home. Theses two homemade shampoos are not only stopping my hair from shedding, but they help it grow and keep it healthy. Making your shampoo at home is easy and help in ways that most store-bought brands do not.
Aloe vera gel is effective against hair loss; it contains alone in, a powerful stimulant that accelerate the rate of hair growth. It does not cause any scalp irritation for those with a sensitive scalp or any other problem.
Making Your Shampoo
Hair growth shampoo (1) that I have made: Mix 1/4 cup of wheat germ oil, 1/2 cup of aloe Vera Gel 1/4 cup of coconut milk and use this product as a natural shampoo. Hair growth shampoo (2) that I have made: Mix 1/2 cup of Aloe Vera Gel, 1/4 Dr. Bronner's Organic Pure Castile Bar Soap, Four drops of peppermint essential oil and use the products as a shampoo You can also use other oils such as emu oil, rosemary oil, mustard oil. It all depends on what oils works for your hair and help it grow. Make sure to adjust those mixture to your liking for better results. Save on products by shopping at iHerb for great discounts
Aloe vera is an essential ingredient in most of the shampoo and conditioners because it promote healthy hair. Aloe vera is free of petroleum-based ingredients and alcohol that your natural hair products contain. I improve blood circulation of hair follicles for you to have fuller and thicker hair. It also treats dandruff, a common symptom of a skin disorder that some people suffer from. Wheat Germ oil is pack with vitamins such as D, A, E, it is extremely rich, and is rich in protein. Peppermint essential oil contains Vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium can be found in peppermint oil, and it even contains omega three essential fatty acids. In using these products, you can help your hair improve in health and have a better growth.