Your natural low porosity hair looks beautiful with all that luster when it is properly taking care of with the right products, but that does come with knowledge. Whether you want to admit it or not it takes knowledge to do just about everything, and that includes taking care of your natural hair. One important thing you can do is to learn about the porosity of your hair. You can have high porosity hair, medium porosity hair or low porosity hair. After you learn about your hair porosity it is time to take care of it. Low porosity hair can be quite a trick to figure out how to care the hair type. Understanding how low porosity hair works, how to moisturize it, and off course keeps it moisturize all day is important. If you want to see hair growth and have it, you need to learn a few tips and tricks that will make a difference in your hair health. Taking care of low porosity hair boils down to cleansing, limiting product buildup, and using indirect heat to add moisture.
Applying indirect Heat With Deep Treatments Indirect Heat is your best friend when it comes to deep conditioning your hair. How you go about your deep conditioning process or even the ingredients you use are pretty much up to you. Using a deep treatment like "SheaMoisture Treatment Masque, JBCO" from the store is an excellent choice. You can also choose to make your own "DIY Deep Conditioning Treatment" and apply that to your hair. After using the mask cover your head with a plastic cap and sit under a dryer or heat cap. The heat helps to open those fixed hair shafts to absorb all the treatment that as been applied to the hair. Using a Steamer Your dry hair will not benefit from you layering on product after product that it is not absorbing. Too much product remember will only add buildup to the scalp and hair and just weight it down. Steaming your hair can help to add that moisture. Shop for a steamer like the Q-Redew handheld hair steamer or a table top one like the Huetiful Hair Steamer. Now you can always do this without spending money on a hair steamer of any kind. Steaming your hair in the shower works great, applying a plastic shower cap overnight will open up your cuticles as well. Once you wake up add a water based leave in conditioner and feel the hydration in your hair. Thoroughly Clarifying the Scalp and Hair Stands Shampoos are not for everyone when it comes to washing day, but for some, it is a must to keep a clear scalp. Co-washing, or washing your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo is popular in the hair community to help maintain moisture in the hair. However, it does not always cleanse your hair properly. The conditioner only removes the surface dirt on the hair, and that is why your hair may need shampoo, try the 'SheaMoisture JBCO Shampoo'. Now how often you shampoo your hair is up to you, maybe once a week, or once a month all depends on how you take care of your hair. Regular shampoo always works great, but if you need to look for a clarifying shampoo to totally strip your hair. A clay mask may also be used to clarify the scalp, try a "Bentonite Clay Mask" mixture to help cleanse, add shine, and restore the elasticity of the hair.