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Tomato, Honey And Lemon Face Pack: Supple Acne Free Skin

Acne and pimple breakouts are the worst on your skin, but the problem does not end there. The acne scars that is left behind for months on your skin can take a toll on one's self-confidence. We all want clean skin that looks beautiful and free of acne scars and high pigmentation. We all live life so breakouts will happen, we all go through those times. Many skin products on the market can help your skin, but your kitchen pantry can also be a source of skin care. Using natural ingredients on the skin is idea (just remember to check for allergies and skin irritations) to restore balance and control breakouts. Tomato and honey on the skin help treat breakouts naturally. Try using this simple face mask three times a week to help your skin take a break from breakouts.

Tomatoes and lemons treat many skin issues like helping your control acne breakouts and help with oily skin. Your pores can get smaller from using tomato on your skin, help rejuvenates the look and feels while lightening the natural color. Using honey is an age-old secret to the skin, it contributes a natural moisturize the skin leaving it supple and healthy. Honey help maintains great skin by fighting infections to the skin because of its antibacterial properties.

Tomato, Honey And Lemon Face Pack:


-One ripe tomato -One tablespoon of lemon juice -Two tablespoons of honey

How To Mix: Rinse your tomato off with just water and cut it into four pieces and add it to your blender. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey and mix well until all products mix evenly. Add about a tablespoon in a separate bowl and store the rest in your fridge for later.

Now take the mix in your bowl and apply it evenly to your clean face and leave it on for 20 minutes. After the time as pass rinse face with warm water until you feel all the product as been wash off your face. Now follow with a light moisturizer or your skin care routine.

Use the rest of the mask for at least three days a week to see a visible difference in about a month.


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