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Oils in your Shampoo to Help With Your Traction Alopecia

Maintaining a clean scalp is the first step to growing healthy hair, having alopecia demands that you do a little extra. Co-washing works on occasion, but if you are like me a live an active lifestyle shampooing at least twice a month becomes mandatory. Shampoos help to keep the dirt, grime, and clogging oils away that we do not want on our scalp. Over the past two years, I have tried to find the best shampoo that does not completely strip my hair. Nothing could be worst than taking such good care of your hair only to shampoo it and cause instant damage. My solution was to make my DIY mix of shampoo, oils, and other plants to support my hair growth. Using a mild, natural shampoo is more effective with the other ingredients. We all have a favorite shampoo that already works great for our hair, just add a little extra help to maximize that shampoo. Using essential oils can be irritating to the scalp so try to stick to the amount to prevent problems.

Making Your Shampoo

-3 1/2 ounce of Shea Moisture JBCO Shampoo -15 drops of Organic Jojoba Oil -Seven drops of ginger essential oil -Seven drops of Peppermint oil -Two drops of Tea tree oil -Seven drops of Rosemary oil -Seven drops of Lavender oil

Use the mix shampoo as your regular shampoo on your wash day to clean and heal your scalp.

The oils and herbs are to help heal your scalp, so feel free to switch them around to specific oils that help treats your scalp if you already have some that works. Emu and mustard oils are two other useful oils that help, so go head and adjust the mixture to your liking.

Aloe Vera gel is effective against hair loss; it contains alone in, a powerful stimulant that accelerates the rate of hair growth. It does not cause any scalp irritation for those with a sensitive scalp or any other problem. Aloe Vera is an essential ingredient in most of the shampoo and conditioners because it promotes healthy hair. Aloe Vera is free of petroleum-based ingredients and alcohol that your natural hair products contain. I improve blood circulation of hair follicles for you to have fuller and thicker hair. It also treats dandruff, a common symptom of a skin disorder that some people suffer from. Peppermint essential oil contains Vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium can be found in peppermint oil, and it even contains omega three essential fatty acids. In using these products, you can help your hair improve in health and have a better growth.

Try my other DIY shampoo mixes to help with other hair care:


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