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DIY Herbal and Black Soap Shampoo: Gentle and Effective

Over the past few months, I discover Indian Herbs and my hair has never felt and looked better. I wanted to share not only herbs for hair mask but Indian herbs that you can use to shampoo your hair as well. So let us make wash day pleasant and be gentle to our hair when we step in the shower.

Why use Indian Herbs To Shampoo You Hair?

A DIY Indian Herbs shampoo helps to balance the pH level of your scalp; it is ideal for sensitive scalps and dry hair. Your hair will benefit and improve hair loss problem. Your hair will be able to growth faster and healthier from the proper nourishment that your scalp is receiving. You can create a shampoo that nourishes your hair, moisturize while washing, and cleanse without stripping your hair.

DIY Indian Herbal Shampoo

Making shampoo you can use for at least three weeks is ideal if you are on a busy schedule. You only need a few hours about once a month to create your hair wash. The herbs are affordable; you have multiple places online to order them, and they will be ship right to your home.

Use three super herbs

Combine Aritha, Shikakai, and Amla powder to create your water shampoo based. All three herbs work in synergy, each providing your hair with the love it needs. Shikakai powder is a gentle cleanser that helps define your curly and wavy hair. Using Amla and Aritha powder provide a better cleaning power to get rid of buildup and dirt on the scalp.

For this Shampoo, you will need:

-2 tbsp. of Aritha Powder -2 tbsp. of Amla Powder -2 tbsp. of Shikakai Powder -4 oz of boiling water -4 oz of Castile Soap -1/4 oz of jojoba oil -16 drops peppermint oil -14 drops rosemary oil -14 drops lavender oil -4 drops tea tree oil

How To Prepare:

Heat up your water for a few minutes until it boils, add all your powders (Aritha, Amla, Shikakai) into the boiling water. Mix for a few moments to get rid of all the lump, so all the powders are mixing with the water. Now leave that sitting for 1 hour, so the powders have enough time to infuse in the water. Using a cheese cloth strain the liquid into the container you are going to store your shampoo for the weeks.

Using your DIY shampoo is just like using any other shampoo, head over to your shower and get started. The best method is to pree-poo (hot oil your hair) before you wash it to avoid losing protein in the strands. Pour your shampoo on your scalp and massage for 2 to 5 minutes, no need to add to the strands unless necessary. Condition your hair and rinse, follow up with an apple cider vinegar final rinse.

For an even more moderate cleanser use just Shikakai and Amla powder. If any of the herbs are a problem, you can always reframe from adding them to your shampoo mix. Mix and match ingredients until you find what works for your hair and show the best results.

If your hair is on the light to the blonde side, do a strand test before washing your entire hair. Amla powder does darken your hair, but because you are only leaving this on for a few minutes, it should not darken your hair color.

I hope you’ll enjoy this DIY Indian herbal shampoo as much as I do, and when you try it show us your results and tell us how much you like it!


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