The best skincare secrets are from nature; they help to clean, heal, and rejuvenate our skin without irritations. Oils are some of the best because of the vitamins and nutrients they provide. You can harness the power of these oils by making your very own facial and body oil. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars buying pre-made oils that could be full of clogging and irritating ingredients for your skin. All you need to look at is your kitchen and other natural skin oils to craft your luxury oil. You can create a facial and Body oil that is unique to your skin type and needs.
- 1 oz of Olive oil
- 1 oz of Avocado oil
- 1/2 oz of Castor Oil
- 4 Vitamin E Oil Capsules
- 1 oz of Olive oil
- 2 oz of Avocado oil
- 1 oz of Castor Oil
- 6 Vitamin E Oil Capsules
- 10 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil
- Combine the all carrier oils together in each bottle first (if a bottle is going to be exposed to light try using a dark, amber bottle)
- Next, add essential oils to bottles and screw on the top and very lightly tilt bottle back and forth to mix oils for about 10 to 30 seconds.
- Now your oils are ready for use, keep them in your bathroom or bedroom to use when you desire.
*Try storing your oils in a cool dark place to preserve the nutrition of the oils and the mix will last longer.
A few of my favorite oils that help to benefit and nourish your skin:
Avocado - Avocado oil is full of antioxidants, it is anti-inflammatory, help skin stay strong smooth and elastic. It helps to calm itchy skin, heal chap lips, replenish dry skin, hydrate and moisturize the skin. It shields the skin from ultra violate radiation as well as protects against skin damage.
Olive - Olive oil is rich in vitamins like vitamin A, D, K, and even vitamin E, and full of antioxidants properties while moisturizing and fighting bacteria. The antioxidants in olive oil (which is very high concentrated called squalene compare to other types of fats and oils)gives the olive oil and extra antioxidant boost can help to protect skin from ultraviolet rays that could damage the skin. Olive oil can help to decrease your acne by killing acne-causing bacteria on the skin. In the end, it also helps to hydrate and keep the skin moisturized.
Castor - Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. Monounsaturated fats act as a humectant to help naturally moisturize your skin. Humectants are great at preventing water loss in the skin outer layer so your skin can stay hydrated longer. Castor oil helps to prevent wrinkles and fight acne, and reduce puffiness. Castor oil can also help soothe sunburn keeps lips from drying out to promote overall skin health.
Vitamin E - Vitamin E Oil is high in antioxidants help improve blood circulation which in turn helps to firm up the skin. It helps reduce hyper-pigmentation, dark patches that shows on your skin due to too much melanin production on the skin. One of the most effective ways to treat hyper-pigmentation is topically using vitamin E oil paired up with vitamin C. Vitamin E oil helps to prevent wrinkles while it softens your lips because it promotes cell turnover along with regeneration. It helps to speed up the healing process of your skin to minimize the appearance of scarring. The thick consistency of vitamin E oil keeps the skin moisturize and less likely to be irritated.
Rosemary Essential Oil - Rosemary Essential oil is both antimicrobial and full of antioxidant properties. It helps to naturally add a natural oxidation defense to the skin to prevent free radicals from damaging it. Rosemary oil can help increase the circulation of blood in the skin as well as help reduce inflammation.
A few potential side Effect and a few risks
Natural carrier and essential oils are derived from plants, but they are not risk-free. Just like any other food or plants, allergic reactions can happen to some people. Be careful about applying oils and exposure to the environment like sunlight that may cause irritation and sunburn.
A few allergic reactions may cause you to:
- Have redness and bumps on the skin
- See rashes and hives on the skin
- have a runny nose, sneezing, and even some itchiness
For serious allergy reactions, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. One of the best ways to prevent an allergic reaction is to do a patch test before using any of these oils.
One way to reduce your risk of allergic reaction is to conduct a patch test before use. To be completely sure that oil won’t cause a reaction, it’s recommended that you test twice daily for up to five days. Essential oils are not regulated by the U.S Food and Drug Administration, so it is important to understand the risk of ingesting them and take safety measures to keep yourself safe.
Oils are great for your skin and provide a number of health benefits, but you have to take precaution and use them safely.
Do you make a face and body oil at home? If you do what are your favorite oils to use?